The biggest game of cross campus hide and seek the university has ever seen...
Join us as teams and societies race to find The Uni Stig
The event will take place at 3pm Thursday 26th January
Winning seekers to be announced on the @LancasterStig Instagram account!
Share the trailer on your story to get a bonus hint!
It's never too late for a society to sign up! For more information on societies and custom teams check below
All students are welcome to participate!

1 hiding Stig, a uni of seekers
It's your typical game of hide-and-seek, except there's only one hider, the Lancaster Stig. Starting in Alexandra Square at 3pm teams and societies will be released to search campus for the Uni Stig who will be hiding somewhere on campus grounds.
Hints to the whereabouts of the Stig will be regularly posted to the 'Race to the Stig' WhatsApp chat alongside additional bonus hints to teams and societies that carry out challenges during the event.
Interested in participating? Join the Race to the Stig group chat to sign-up for the event, see updates and receive hints on the day! See below for the list of societies participating.
Not in a society? No worries, this event is also open to unofficial societies and custom teams. If you're looking for teammates join the Team-finder group chat! The winning society/team will be announced alongside the names of the individuals on the @LancasterStig account!
Teams must be present at 3pm in Alexandra Square for rules and announcements
Do not enter restricted areas or trespass
Stay within campus boundaries
Cross roads carefully
Do not search buses
Do not interrupt lectures or seminars; only look in rooms which you can see are empty
All official hints to be found on website and official posts in group chat
Got questions about the event? Don't hesitate to drop us a message on our Instagram or contact us through our website and we can answer any queries about the event.