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From 2024, we are hoping to boost our welfare support to members in the event that a member needs or wants to talk to someone about anything. This can be a simple discussion, a vent about something going on in their lives or advice on anything.

Our dedicated welfare officer this year is Lia Groundwell. However, you can reach out to any member of the exec if you so wish.

If you wish to make an anonymous report about a member whom you are concerned about, please use the contact form below. After reporting the incident or concern, we will reach out to the member concerned and provide them with a level of support. We will not give anyone updates on any ongoing or past welfare issues to those who are not deemed to be involved. You can also self-report using the same form below and our welfare team will get in touch within 48 hrs.

We have a duty of care to our members, which means that as the society's welfare officer, I am obliged to do my best to keep everyone safe and to keep everything disclosed.

Need to talk? Message, phone, email or fill in the form


Thank you for making a report. We aim to reach out within 48hrs :)

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